Holy Basil Organic Krishna/Tulsi 1/2 Oz
Holy Basil Organic Krishna/Tulsi 1/2 Oz
Also Known as: Tulsi, Tulasi (Sanskrit name), Ocimum sanctum.
Farming: Organic
Location: India
Holy Basil has been revered for its medicinal value throughout India for thousands of years. Ayurvedic texts describe Holy Basil as a pillar of holistic herbal medicine and a goddess incarnated in plant form (the mother medicine of nature). Many traditional Hindus worship an alter bearing a Holy Basil plant that is placed in the courtyard of their home or in another prominent location. Today Holy Basil remains one of the most cherished of India’s sacred healing plants. The leaves smell of peppermint, cloves, licorice and/or lemon. There are three types of Tulsi sold: Krishna, Rama, and Vana. Rama and Krishna are of the same species. All varieties belong to the mint family and are cousins of sweet basil.