Natural Tiger Eye Beaded Healing Bracelet
The Tiger Eye crystal gets its healing properties from a combination of the sun and Earth elements. This is what gives it both grounding and inspiring vibrations. Similar to a tiger’s stripes, Tiger Eye crystal has an appearance to match its powerful energy. Its bold coloration is just as bold as its healing properties, which work to balance toxic emotions and create positive mental shifts.
The Tiger Eye crystal properties are also a result of this stone’s connection to the solar plexus chakra, the third chakra in a system of seven. As the energy center that governs personal power and confidence, Tiger Eye helps to clear any imbalances from this chakra, leaving you feeling like the most powerful, confident version of yourself.
Associated with yellow stones, like Tiger Eye crystal, the solar plexus chakra, or manipura chakra, can facilitate your ability to trust yourself and pave your own way in life. By balancing your solar plexus chakra, Tiger Eye crystal healing properties can empower you and motivate you.
One New Natural Tiger Eye Beaded Healing Bracelet. The natural beads that make up this stackable and easily wearable bracelet are 6mm smooth round beads