The Witch’s Coin by Christopher Penczak
The Witch’s Coin-Along with quick-fix money spells, this timely book explores the consciousness of prosperity and how to transform poverty into abundance through magick, meditation, affirmations, and astrological timing. The Witch's Coin offers a materia magicka of the most powerful correspondences in wealth spellwork, including gods, stones, metals, herbs, and coins. Unlike most money magick books, it builds upon a foundation of real-world financial principles. Penczak also discusses offering magickal services professionally, including how and when to charge for readings and healings. Praise: "The first book of financial tips and advice that I have ever enjoyed reading. I highly recommend this book."--Judika Illes, author of The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells and Pure Magic "A refreshing examination of the connection between money, magic, and the attitude people put toward both."--Taylor Ellwood, editor of Manifesting Prosperity: A Wealth Magic Anthology