Shopping for Sagittarians during COVID

Sun Sagittarius is a wonderful sign to be. Sure there are weaknesses with any sign, and a Sagittarius Sun may experience being too correct or honest at times; at times a Sagittarian may be prone to having too much of a can-do attitude, or to living in the moment too much. This is because the noble and kingly sign of Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which gives Sagittarians luck, positivity, confidence, aptitude for higher learning; and this can make undeveloped Sagittarians too idealistic or detached from reality. The simple solution for this is grounding and an openness to...
Goddess of Abundance

Happy Native American Heritage Month. It’s a bit out of season, but I would like to take this time to talk to you about our savior, the archetype of the Goddess of Abundance. White Buffalo woman may come to mind first in the Northern Hemisphere. Predictably, Amazon’s White Buffalo Calf Woman products are sparse. This is because White Buffalo Calf Woman is a deity of the Lakota tribe, which is one of the poorest tribes in America. Nearly a third of all American Indian and Alaska Native children live in poverty. Of the top 100 poorest counties in the US,...
The True Meaning of Samhain
2020 fae goddess heal ideology sahmain

Samhain is on November 1st. Wiccans celebrate it on the evening of October 31st because Samhain more-or-less middles the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice, so Samhain is a time when the veil between this world and the next is “thinner.” When the veil is thinner, civilizations are more prone to attacks by malevolent or trickster spirits; so it is customary to do some kind of cleansing ritual. Place black tourmaline in your house for protection from physical and spiritual danger. It is also easier to practice divination. And apophyllite is good for connecting with the other side. By now...
Shopping for a Scorpio

Scorpio season is steadily approaching -- October 23 and November 21 is Scorpio season; and Scorpios don’t get a good representation in the public sphere. Scorpios and Scorpio sympathizers say that people who have problems with the aforementioned sign did something to that person first. Being a fixed water sign, they are emotional, but like an underwater river (which is made possible due to high salt content at the oceans depths) or a Hell lake on fire ( infernos with flames which emit only darkness, not light), Scorpios are not what they appear to be; and yet, Scorpios are natural...
Benji's Favorite Things: Halloween Edition/ Seance Tips

Full moons on Halloween only happen every 18 to 19 years. Full moons and Halloween both are good for piercing the veil and communicating with the other side. If you want to communicate with those beyond, and if you think ouija boards are for simpletons, (I sleep with one under my pillow) And if you can’t trust yourself to give honest answers with a pendulum, now Halloween 2020 presents itself as an optimal time for any sort of seance you might conceive. If you are a spiritual person, simply create a ritual to talk to your dead grandmother yourself, but...