News — book of shadows
We are on the rise to the Full Moon in Cancer
2023 astrology book of shadows full moon Full moon energy fullmooncancer third eye universe

Greetings Dear Ones! We are on the rise to the Full Moon in Cancer at 3:07 p.m. PST on Friday, January 6! Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign whose planetary ruler is the Moon. In this sense the lunar and watery frequencies are doubled during this time. Some of Cancer's attributes are: intuitive, caring, motherly energies, nurturing, sensitive and home & family-oriented. The Sun is reflecting its light upon the Moon through the sign of Capricorn, which is a Cardinal Earth sign whose planetary ruler is Saturn. A few of Capricorn’s characteristics are: discipline, structure, determination, accomplishing, persevering, fatherly energies...
New Moon in Sagittarius
#newmoon angel aura book of shadows challenge communal crystal divine Dreamer eclipse emotional evolution expand fae frankincense god goddess heart ideology incense life mind mindfulness moon ritual mother nature mystic new moon pagan pattern purification ritual sage sagittarius selflove solstice soul spring equinox star Sun transform universe vibration winter witch journal

Hello Dear Ones! The New Moon in Sagittarius apexes on today, November 23rd at 2:57 pm PST. Sagittarius is the 9th Sign of the Zodiac, it is mutable fire, ruled by the planet Jupiter and known as the Archer. Some of the positive qualities of Sagittarius are optimistic, charming, adventurous, “the life of the party”, free spirited, generous, truthful, passionate, independent, free-thinking, philosophical and outspoken. Some of the negative qualities can be impatient, restless, over-confident, forgetful, blunt, hot headed, inconsistent, illusionary and overindulgent. This new moon will bring a burst of enthusiasm to all signs of the Zodiac,...