News — #ostara
Welcoming Grace, Wisdom, Understanding, Truth, Love, Peace and much more beautifulness in this Vernal Equinox, New Moon in Aries, Saturn into Pisces and Pluto shifting into Aquarius
#newmoon #ostara 2023 angel Aquarius aries astrology mental mind mindfulness moon ritual new moon pagan purification ritual ritualism transform universe vibration

The Sun will be moving into Aries on March 20th at 2:24 pm PST this marks the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a time of celebration and the start to the New Astrological Year! The Equinox’s are the time of year where there is a balance in power of equal day & night, as well as a time where the veils are thin. The Spring Equinox represents the time of the light expanding, growth, and quickening in nature that is seen in the plants, animals and birth of all forms of life on the hemisphere in which...