News — astrology
Full Moon in Taurus brings meaningful reflection
astrology full moon Full moon energy mindfulness taurus

Greetings, Dear Ones, A Blessed Full moon to you, Dear Ones! This month's full moon occurs in Taurus at 24° at 1:28pm pst on November 15th, 2024. The Sun will be shining through deep sensual waters of Scorpio reflecting its rays onto Luna in elegant resourceful stable Taurus. At this time, we may feel an intensity of what is deeply valuable and meaningful to us. Our emotions reflect the state of our innermost desires and values. Scorpio draws in what is most important and sacred to them in a mystical depth that can be unfathomable. The energies of...
New Moon in Taurus
#newmoon astrology gemini new moon zodiac

Greetings Friends, We had our New Moon this month in the sign of Taurus at 8:22pm pst on Tuesday,May 7th, at 18°. This new moon was focused on what and how we would like to grow in our foundation, finances, home, relationships, pleasures and beauty within and around us. With the recent Jupiter Uranus conjunction on April 20th at 21° of Taurus this has been sure to stir up questions about our values, finances, resources, quality of living and relationships, our desires for the future and other areas that Taurus governs over. Though the new moon of Taurus has occured,...
Welcoming Grace, Wisdom, Understanding, Truth, Love, Peace and much more beautifulness in this Vernal Equinox, New Moon in Aries, Saturn into Pisces and Pluto shifting into Aquarius
#newmoon #ostara 2023 angel Aquarius aries astrology mental mind mindfulness moon ritual new moon pagan purification ritual ritualism transform universe vibration

The Sun will be moving into Aries on March 20th at 2:24 pm PST this marks the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a time of celebration and the start to the New Astrological Year! The Equinox’s are the time of year where there is a balance in power of equal day & night, as well as a time where the veils are thin. The Spring Equinox represents the time of the light expanding, growth, and quickening in nature that is seen in the plants, animals and birth of all forms of life on the hemisphere in which...
We are on the rise to the Full Moon in Cancer
2023 astrology book of shadows full moon Full moon energy fullmooncancer third eye universe

Greetings Dear Ones! We are on the rise to the Full Moon in Cancer at 3:07 p.m. PST on Friday, January 6! Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign whose planetary ruler is the Moon. In this sense the lunar and watery frequencies are doubled during this time. Some of Cancer's attributes are: intuitive, caring, motherly energies, nurturing, sensitive and home & family-oriented. The Sun is reflecting its light upon the Moon through the sign of Capricorn, which is a Cardinal Earth sign whose planetary ruler is Saturn. A few of Capricorn’s characteristics are: discipline, structure, determination, accomplishing, persevering, fatherly energies...
Libra Balance and Self Care
#newmoon angel astrology communal declutter divine Dreamer evolution expand fae full moon Full moon energy goddess heal heart ideology libra mindfulness moon ritual mother nature mystic nature new moon

The Sun moves through Libra from September 23 to October 22. The beginning of Libra marks the Autumnal or Fall Equinox. Libra is a cardinal air sign and its ruler is the planet Venus, therefore those with strong placements in their chart may feel a stronger inclination to connect with friends, social events and even build romantic ties. The overall energies of the sign Libra may compel many to make shifts in their everyday lives to establish more balance and equilibrium. Although the keyword here is strive, balance may be the focus, though it is usually not the case, little shifts...