Libra Balance and Self Care
#newmoon angel astrology communal declutter divine Dreamer evolution expand fae full moon Full moon energy goddess heal heart ideology libra mindfulness moon ritual mother nature mystic nature new moon

The Sun moves through Libra from September 23 to October 22. The beginning of Libra marks the Autumnal or Fall Equinox. Libra is a cardinal air sign and its ruler is the planet Venus, therefore those with strong placements in their chart may feel a stronger inclination to connect with friends, social events and even build romantic ties. The overall energies of the sign Libra may compel many to make shifts in their everyday lives to establish more balance and equilibrium. Although the keyword here is strive, balance may be the focus, though it is usually not the case, little shifts...
Harvest Full Moon in Pisces On September 9th, To amplify your dreams
#newmoon astrology aura divination tools divine Dreamer eclipse ego emotional expand fall full moon Full moon energy harvest moon Humanitarian pisces

During the Full Moon, Pisces will be conjucting Neptune which will amplify dreams, intuition and healing connections. At the same time there is a caution to not fall into illusionary thinking, stay away from pessimistic people, atmospheres, drugs and alcohol as they usually are affected by Neptune in an adverse way.
New Moon in Leo Brings Vibrant Energy and Time to Self Care
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New Moon in Leo Blog The New Moon in Leo will occur on July 28, 2022 at 10:55 am PST. At this time Leo energies will bring a surge of brightness to ones soul calling, a drive for renewal in ones heart's desires and the courageousness to be the leader of ones own life. The Leo New Moon is dynamic full of life and spunk! If you declare it Leo will intensify its Light & Power on the seeds you plant; giving them an infusion of confidence, fortitude, passion and creativity in finding pathways that fulfill oneself on a deeper...
How To Manage Life Through Mercury Retrograde

It’s that time of the season again when life feels like it’s going to get turbulent and out of control. You may be weary of how you’re going to navigate Mercury Retrograde. We have some handy dandy tips to help you maintain your peace. Mercury Retrograde starts May 29th and ends on June 22nd in the ruling sign of Gemini. Although everyone will be affected by this retrograde, astrologers believe that Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, and Virgos will be the signs most affected. Here are some tips and tricks to help keep you in alignment with yourself. Be Mindful Right now...
The Need For Capricorns In 2021